Introduction to Ary Hauer
In the second interview with accomplished martial artists, I spoke to Ary Hauer, founder of Chuldow Family Martial Arts Academies and a real character who I class as a great friend, an excellent support and a real fighter.
Name: Ary Hauer
Age: No comment (I asked him twice)
Occupation: Founder/Owner of Chuldow Family Martial Arts Academies, still active as a martial arts instructor and practitioner.
Accomplishments: 7th Dan Wado Ryu, 6th Dan Kickboxing, 5th Dan Kobudo, Dan grades in Iaido and Ju Jitsu. Played with other styles like Tai chi, Muay Thai.
“I owned the first full time cage in Europe, and loved the animal sessions we had where the only rule was all belts stayed in the bag so everyone was the same grade.”
(CSoN: Fun times, Ary)
When did you first start training in martial arts and what inspired you to do it?
I started training as a young kid in 1970 under Sensei Don Snaith. I used to go to a boxing club but then moved. My parents were wonderful and I had a happy home life overall however I was abused by two of my siblings until my teens and this left me with a lot of pent up anger. After we moved I really missed the physical outlet that boxing had given me and got into martial arts instead.
Tell us about the highs and lows of your martial arts career.
My highs are many; from representing my country to being selected as Captain and Coach for a national association, to seeing my son, Cam, grade to black belt and my daughter, Liv Hauer, win the world title.
A low was being stabbed in the back by someone I supported so many times even when they were wrong.
What do you think martial arts has added to you as a person in your general life and as a business person?
Morals, manners and loyalty are among the main things I strive for in life and in my martial arts academies. Sadly it is lacking in most people’s lives.
Martial arts has made me strive to succeed in life. When Sarah (CSoN: Ary’s wife who is also a force to be reckoned with as a fighter) and I were homeless I had to dig deep but I really believe the martial spirit in us both made us fight to live. 😉

Sarah Hauer
How do you think martial arts has developed you as a character? Do you believe that martial arts has allowed you to develop qualities that you already brought to the table OR has martial arts training instilled those qualities within you?
I am a calmer and more forgiving person than I used to be. People say it’s something that comes with age. I disagree; I think it comes with knowledge. I owe that to my martial arts practice. I was on a road to destruction as a youth, in trouble at school, expelled at 14, in trouble with the police , fighting. It was not my parents fault nor even the area I grew up in although it is still notoriously bad. No: I made my own choices and cannot blame anyone else. The martial arts made me see things differently thanks to an ex-borstal governor who took the time to sit with me. The martial arts followed on from him.
What do you think is the most important quality that a martial arts practitioner should possess and how does this relate to their everyday life, success in their career etc?
Be the walking, talking advert for your style. I am not saying that people should be stick thin nor full of muscles. But I see black belt instructors out there who smoke, are lazy, are claiming benefits while doing the teaching as a sideline! You are supposed to be a role model. You are the end product so start behaving like one.
“I see black belt instructors out there who smoke, are lazy, are claiming benefits while doing the teaching as a sideline! You are supposed to be a role model.”
I have 45 years unbroken training in the martial arts. I have osteoarthritis, arthritis, have undergone a double hip replacement. I have aches and pains, and since I was injured in a mining accident that should have killed me it is painful to exercise.
Yet I exercise every morning religiously. I still teach at least 4 times a week and train as much as my body can take. It isn’t easy but I know that as a role model I must live by the rules I ask others to follow.
How do you see your career developing from here? What are your current aspirations?
My organisation now has over 1,000 members, 5 full time locations and 9 part time locations. We create jobs and lifestyles within our circle. I now have a lifestyle that my children and wife deserve with a good work-life balance.
In future I will provide jobs for my children by running a professionally operated martial art business that caters for the people who need the martial arts. Don’t forget I am the one who refused to allow women or children to train in my club! We were a fight based club and if you were not prepared to fight then you were out. Can you remember the blood baths in my classes in the cage? (CSoN: Yes, Ary. I remember those times very well although I don’t think I spent enough time in there compared to many others.)…and the sign on the wall that said “Please mop up your own blood!!”? Often it was mine lol!
(CSoN: I also remember fondly, the sessions you ran in one of the upstairs rooms were people got together from different disciplines – muay thai, kickboxing, goju ryu – and when particular session when you and I were grappling.)
I am now more balanced in my life because of the martial arts and I will keep on teaching and training until I cannot do it anymore – not bad for a council house traveller boy who was expelled from school age 14, who could only read a little and write a little, and did not have a single maths lesson from 9 years of age 😉
Thanks very much for your candid responses, Ary.
I am very grateful to Ary because of the support he has given me since first entered one of his dojos in 2003. He is known for speaking his mind and Chuldow Family Martial Arts Academies can be found in a variety of places throughout West Yorkshire. They really are great for families. The website is